New research shows that the majority of UK workers believe Christmas parties are a way of boosting morale and connection amongst the team.

O2 Business have released new research which shows the importance of Christmas parties amongst UK workers – especially this year.

Almost three-quarters (72 per cent) of those surveyed stated that they have come to realise the value of festive fun as it enabled them to bond with colleagues. A further third of respondents (34 per cent) said that it helps teams to work together more effectively and efficiently.

Due to most in-person Christmas parties being cancelled this year as a result of COVID-19, over half (54 per cent) of the workers stated that they underestimated the importance of the annual get-together as a way of boosting morale and keeping the team connected.

Overwhelmingly, around two-thirds (66 per cent) stated that they would benefit from a Christmas celebration this year more than ever before, highlighting the emotional toll the pandemic has taken on the population.

Additionally, despite over a third (35 per cent) stating that they have video fatigue, almost two-thirds (61 per cent) plan to celebrate the Christmas party virtually. However, being away from the office has been difficult with over eight in 10 (83 per cent) stating that they miss their work colleagues.

This isn’t the case for all workers though. Almost half (47 per cent) stated that they do not miss the travel to the Christmas party whilst over a third (39 per cent) expressed relief over not getting carried away with over-spending at the bar!

Instead of a Christmas party, employees also suggested other perks that they would like to see this year instead.

Four in 10 workers stated that they would like to receive a gift voucher to treat themselves. Just over a third (36 per cent) responded that they would be pleased with gifted time off at Christmas whilst under a fifth (16 per cent) expressed that they would be content with a bottle of champagne or sparkling wine.

Maria Fernandez, Trading SMB Director at O2 Business said:

Christmas is traditionally a time of year when employers give something back by organising an event where everyone can let their hair down and have some fun, which in turn has a positive impact on team morale.

This year will be a little different, but with innovative local businesses diversifying and offering new experiences online, it can also make for a great opportunity to support a fellow business too.

*To obtain these results, O2 Business surveyed 2,000 UK workers between the 17th and 23rd November 2020.






Monica Sharma is an English Literature graduate from the University of Warwick. As Editor for HRreview, her particular interests in HR include issues concerning diversity, employment law and wellbeing in the workplace. Alongside this, she has written for student publications in both England and Canada. Monica has also presented her academic work concerning the relationship between legal systems, sexual harassment and racism at a university conference at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.