Employees love to brag about a holiday bargain and even tell a few fibs along the way to ensure more value for money when on leave, according to affordable car-hire broking company, Auto Europe.

The survey reveals that employees remain traditional when it comes to holiday gloats with more than half (57%) rubbing their colleague’s faces in it when returning to work after their break.

The warm weather is the top gloat (39%), just under a third (30%) boasted about the food and 29 percent bragged about the beautiful scenery post-holiday.

Overall, low cost holidays and savings when booking a bargain deal seem to be what employees gleefully boast about in the office with co-workers.

More than one in five (21%) are happy to let everyone know how much money they saved booking the holiday. Some even round up the price to make it seem like they’d spent more to impress their workmates while 18 percent boasted how little they had paid for it.

The research also revealed that bargain hunters aren’t afraid of telling a few ‘porkies’ to get more for their money. Anonymity attached to being on holiday inspired 11 percent to tell fibs to try and get free upgrades.

A further one in 10 would call ahead of their holiday and pretend it was a special occasion, like a birthday or anniversary to try and get a better deal.

It would appear as though this attitudes helps to get a range of perks with 14 percent saying they were able to get free upgrades at their hotel. 10 percent were bumped up a class on their flights without paying and a further 10 percent said they managed to gain free drinks.

Rui Elves, head of digital marketing at Auto Europe, explains:

“We all deserve a well-earned break away from work, or life in general, and there’s no better feeling than bagging a holiday at a bargain price.

“With low cost holiday firms offering affordable rates and value for money, it seems that Brits want additional extras free of charge, or love the challenge of making their hard earned money stretch even further.”