Applied Driving Techniques, the fleet compliance and risk management specialist, has launched a new business to help companies better understand employee behaviour to boost their HR and recruitment strategies.

Applied Business Synergy will provide practical evaluation and reporting solutions that outline very powerful intelligence on behavioural styles, relationships and communication to enhance workforce motivation, productivity, collaboration and performance.

Applied Business Synergy has been established to assist organisations with outlining the behavioural aspects of their workforce and how best to manage attitudinal and behavioural change. Using a proven Behavioural Analysis System, it will not only be possible to define team dynamics, but also guide individuals to take advantage of behavioural knowledge for increased collaborative success.

Meanwhile, an added benefit of Applied Business Synergy’s assessment of behavioural performance will be the collection of a “talent database” that companies will be able to use in the future as job are created or evolve. This will help ensure employees are best utilised in roles that match their particular talents, which is shown to gain superior workforce performance and added loyalty.

Applied Business Synergy will work closely with businesses of all sizes to develop tailored solutions that use a wide range of proven tools and services including staff onboarding, benchmarking, executive coaching, selection and development. This will enable then to achieve clear HR, training and recruitment objectives to ensure a company’s talent is correctly aligned with its growth strategy.

Applied Driving Techniques is currently involved in a research study that will explore if behavioural profiling can be utilised to identify and predict who is a higher risk individual when driving. Working closely with Brake, the UK’s leading Road Safety Charity, Driver Safe 2015 will investigate the possibility of accurately predicting a driver’s inherent risk status using a behavioural profiling approach incorporating psychometric, emotional intelligence and motivator profiling techniques, already well proven in other settings.

Dr Jim Golby PhD FCIPD, Director of Research and Customer Experience for Applied Business Synergy commented: “Our ongoing work with Driver Safe 2015 helped us identify an opportunity outside our core offering. Scientific research has shown that while people share many similarities, everyone differs to varying degrees in terms of behaviours, attitudes and responses to pressured and challenging environments, so this new business will provide useful workforce insight to help organisations boost team performance.”

Steff joined the HRreview editorial team in November 2014. A former event coordinator and manager, Steff has spent several years working in online journalism. She is a graduate of Middlessex University with a BA in Television Production and will complete a Master's degree in Journalism from the University of Westminster in the summer of 2015.