Candidates struggle to relax during an interview

Are interviews the best way to search for new talent? As it emerges that under a third of potential employees find it difficult to relax during an interview.

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) Business, the commercial arm of RADA has found that 27 per cent of professionals find it difficult to relax during an interview. Also when candidates feel under pressure during an interview, 19 per cent say they find it hard or difficult to pause for breath.

In addition, 26 per cent find it hard to speak slowly whilst being interviewed and 25 per cent struggle to maintain eye contact.

Even though most interviews may now become Skype chats due to COVID-19, these points still remain valid.

Kate Walker Miles, tutor and client manager at RADA Business said:

Interviews can be an extremely stressful experience for all of us, especially if we struggle to manage our nerves. We need to impress the interviewer and show the best version of ourselves. However, we can become overwhelmed and struggle to communicate well under the pressure.

Many interviews and meetings now need to take place remotely to conform with self-isolation and social distancing guidelines. The pressure is on for business professionals to make the best impression on potential employers over video conferencing platforms. For some of us this is a new experience. We actors know that everything reads on a screen, meaning your interviewer will be more able to pick up on any nerves. To really connect with someone else remotely and gain their trust, it’s important to do whatever you can to settle yourself and release tension. Then you can think and speak clearly. You will appear more at ease and confident about what you are saying.

Of course, it’s vital to find time to familiarise yourself with the tech before the meeting, so that there are no last-minute panics. But it is also important to prepare your physical state for a digital interview. Simple techniques can help you to manage your nerves and feel more grounded and confident. Take time to centre yourself before the interview begins. Sit up straight in your chair with your legs uncrossed and feet firmly planted on the floor. Move your head from left to right and then up and down to release your neck. Next, concentrate on your breath. Breathe out, completely. Take a slow deep breath in, keeping your shoulders down, and imagine sending the breath deep into your belly. Repeat this a few times, making sure that you breathe our for longer than you breathe in.

In order to gather these results, RADA Business spoke to 1,000 employees.


Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.