New research finds that the average Brit will suffer 3 major setbacks in their life

A nationwide survey of Brits has revealed as many as 65 percent have experienced something which knocked them off life’s path.

And according to the survey, the top three life setbacks suffered are loss of a loved one, which has hit over half (51 percent), illness (42 percent) and heartbreak (33 percent)*. Over a quarter (28 percent) have experienced the devastating effects of losing a job they loved, while 19 percent said falling out with a good friend threw them off course.

However, Brits are a stoic lot, with a brave 72 percent believing they got through a crisis and are stronger as a result of experiencing it. In fact, only 27 percent of those who took part in the study, said a disaster in life made them ‘give up’ completely. Eight percent have experienced serious financial problems such as bankruptcy, while over one in twenty Brits (7 percent) have suffered the heartbreak of putting everything into their own business, only for it to fail.  And the study revealed the extent to which a traumatic event can hit people hard, with 34 percent saying a life experience shattered their confidence. One in three confessed that an incident in their life caused mental health problems such as depression or anxiety.

The study of 2,000 British adults reveals 92 percent said they learned from the experience. Perhaps because of this, seven in ten of us believe their life is a ‘success’ no matter what setbacks they have faced. When disaster strikes, 35 percent of us turn to our partners, while mum is the second favourite back up, supporting 33 percent of us. And this support is crucial, with 58 percent of people saying that they could not have managed to get back on their feet without help, while 38 percent said it would have taken much longer to get back to normal without other people.

Matt Haycox, founder of Funding Guru, commented,

Fascinatingly our findings show that suffering three major setbacks in a lifetime is possible to overcome, even if they happen in close succession which might give the Prime Minister some hope! As any entrepreneur will tell you, being in business is full of ups and downs and we all need to remember that by staying the course and being resilient, we can not only make it out the other side but be stronger for the experience.

Regionally, Northern Ireland was the toughest place to live, with people there suffering five setbacks, while the North East was the most persistent region with 83 percent of people rebounding right away from any setbacks.

Most common setbacks suffered

Death of a loved one: 51per cent; Illness: 42 per cent; Heartbreak: 33 per cent; Lost a job you loved: 28 per cent: Falling out with a best friend: 19 per cent; Family estrangement: 19 per cent: Got divorced: 15 per cent: Chose the wrong career :14 per cent : Married the wrong person: 14 per cent; Lost the house of my dreams: nine per cent; Serious financial problems / bankruptcy: eight per cent; Failed business: seven per cent

*commissioned by

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Aphrodite is a creative writer and editor specialising in publishing and communications. She is passionate about undertaking projects in diverse sectors. She has written and edited copy for media as varied as social enterprise, art, fashion and education. She is at her most happy owning a project from its very conception, focusing on the client and project research in the first instance, and working closely with CEOs and Directors throughout the consultation process. Much of her work has focused on rebranding; messaging and tone of voice is one of her expertise, as is a distinctively unique writing style in my most of her creative projects. Her work is always driven by the versatility of language to galvanise image and to change perception, as it is by inspiring and being inspired by the wondrous diversity of people with whom paths she crosses cross!

Aphrodite has had a variety of high profile industry clients as a freelancer, and previously worked for a number of years as an Editor and Journalist for

Aphrodite is also a professional painter.