Brexit the biggest concern for UK tech workforce

Despite an encouraging optimism in the UK tech industry, the impact of Brexit is causing the most concern for IT professionals, according to a new report*.

Looking into the current state of the industry, the report found that despite almost nine in 10 (89 per cent) having a positive outlook, over a third (38 per cent) list the political landscape as their biggest concern for the industry, ahead of the state of the economy (27 per cent) and losing talent abroad (26 per cent).

However, tech professionals think the UK is currently in a strong position due to the skill set the industry has to hand (35 per cent), the technology being produced (34 per cent) and the UK’s status as an IT leader (29 per cent). Survey respondents’ confidence in the industry is also reflected in their salary expectations, as around three-quarters (74 per cent) expect an increase in next five years.

Meanwhile, when asked to consider the future of the industry, Brexit is still cited as a concern by over a third (36 per cent), ahead of talent moving abroad (28 per cent) and the state of the economy (28 per cent). Confidence in the development of the industry is not as high with nearly one in five (18 per cent) revealing they’re not confident about the years ahead, compared to just over one in 10 (11 per cent) who have reservations about the state of the tech industry in the UK now. The political unrest is predicted to cause the biggest future concern for older generations (55+), with almost four in 10 (39 per cent) placing this first, compared to over a quarter (27 per cent) of 16-24-year olds doing the same. However, the development of technology being produced (36 per cent) is generating the most optimism across all age groups for the evolution of the industry, ahead of skills (29 per cent).

Dominic Harvey, Director at CWJobs said,

The UK’s tech workforce is clearly in a good place, with confidence high in the skills it has at its disposal and the technology it’s producing. However, that confidence is at risk from external factors, be that political or economic. While some things are out of the industry’s control, losing talent isn’t. This should act as a wake-up call for businesses to make themselves an attractive proposition that retains talent and keeps them competitive in the future.

AI and cyber security key to the UK’s tech future

As the UK tech sector remains as competitive as ever, there is certainly a determination to deliver first-class innovation through developing products and services which will drive future change world-wide. The UK’s skill set is therefore generating the highest amount of confidence for tech professionals with cyber security (42 per cent), general IT (33 per cent) and cloud skills (31 per cent) topping the charts as those seen to be most needed to succeed in the present tech industry. Deemed to only be in its infancy, tech professionals predict AI will become vital in the future with four in 10 (42 per cent) believing it will be needed to succeed, just behind cyber security (44 per cent). While AI and cyber security appeared in the top two specialities for tech workers across all ages, there were some differences between the different age groups on what completed the top three. For 16-24-year olds, virtual/augmented reality (29 per cent) is a vital skill needed for the years ahead, whereas 35-44-year olds feel coding (24 per cent) was important and the oldest generation (55+) chose the Internet of Things (38 per cent).

Sometimes seen in a negative light, AI’s rise is being welcomed with just under four in five (78 per cent) believing it will have a positive effect on the UK tech industry in the future and almost half (46 per cent) of respondents thinking it will impact jobs positively. IT decision makers are more positive (48 per cent) about the impact of AI on jobs, but crucially, workers are not far behind (45 per cent). However, three in 10 (30 per cent) think AI will impact jobs negatively, showing a significant portion is still fearful of the technology.

Lack of confidence in public sector increases fear of losing talent to private sector

There is a stark difference in confidence between IT professionals in the private and public sectors, particularly in regard to future job prospects. The public sector could be in danger of losing huge amounts of talent, with more than four in five (83 per cent) revealing they would consider leaving to join the private sector in the next five years. Financial incentives are the biggest reason to switch sides, with over a third (36 per cent) saying they would join a private company for more money, ahead of stability (16 per cent) and more available roles (13 per cent). Finding those roles is also considered much easier across the major UK tech hubs, with three-quarters (75 per cent) in the public sector most confident in finding a tech job in London currently compared to more than four in five (81 per cent) in the private sector. Manchester also shows an increase in those more confident in finding a private sector job (38 per cent) in the city, ahead of the public sector (35 per cent).

Harvey continued,

Tech professionals are clearly ready to embrace cyber security and AI, dispelling the big job fears usually associated with the latter technology. For businesses, in order to remain competitive in the future, they need to be investing in the technology and training that will aid these skills moving forward. For the public sector, this is a warning to up its game and make roles more appealing or risk losing a stream of talent to the private sector.

*The CWJobs Confidence Index

Aphrodite is a creative writer and editor specialising in publishing and communications. She is passionate about undertaking projects in diverse sectors. She has written and edited copy for media as varied as social enterprise, art, fashion and education. She is at her most happy owning a project from its very conception, focusing on the client and project research in the first instance, and working closely with CEOs and Directors throughout the consultation process. Much of her work has focused on rebranding; messaging and tone of voice is one of her expertise, as is a distinctively unique writing style in my most of her creative projects. Her work is always driven by the versatility of language to galvanise image and to change perception, as it is by inspiring and being inspired by the wondrous diversity of people with whom paths she crosses cross!

Aphrodite has had a variety of high profile industry clients as a freelancer, and previously worked for a number of years as an Editor and Journalist for

Aphrodite is also a professional painter.