Almost nine in ten employees are experiencing stress from understaffing, with many seeking new roles.

Data from workforce management solution Quinyx reveals that the vast majority of hospitality workers (86%) are experiencing stress as a result of low staff numbers. 

Also, 61 percent say they are not comfortable speaking to their bosses about how work-related stress is impacting their health.

The report found that unhappy staff are scoping the jobs market despite growing worries over the cost-of-living.

Three quarters (76%) believe there are numerous job opportunities available to them, and are confident of finding another position quickly based on their skills.

The report on the UK’s hospitality workforce has highlighted how understaffing is causing stress among employees, as the industry faces increasingly tough conditions.


A lack of employee control leads to poor staff retention rates

The report also found that 62 percent of hospitality staff have recently thought about quitting.

The joint biggest reasons for considering leaving were stress and low pay (44%).

Also, 32 percent have no control whatsoever over their schedule, and 40 percent say that feedback they share with management is not acknowledged.

A staggering 32 percent also feel that asking for a shift change would be perceived negatively by their employer.


What could be improved?

When asked what would increase enjoyment of their current role, 63% said higher pay.

This was followed by a less stressful environment (37%) and recognition for their work (34%). 

However, only half (51%) said they had received a pay rise in the last year. 

A similar number (47%) said they had been offered no training or help with career development at all during the last twelve months.


Toma Pagojute, chief HR officer at Quinyx UK, says: “In such challenging times for the industry, hospitality bosses are facing multiple pressures – it’s understandable that employment engagement might not be top of the priority list. Yet keeping a handle on staffing could end up being more vital than ever. 

“Recruiting just one new employee can cost thousands of pounds – it’s much more cost-effective to build a loyal team who are likely to stick around. A pay rise will always be well-received – now more than ever – but our research shows that a more enjoyable, less stressful environment, and being recognised for their contribution matters hugely too. 

“It’s important that hospitality leaders are transparent, and provide two-way communication for employees – staff must be able to raise any issues and feel that they’re being listened to. Flexibility is also a key issue, with more than a third of hospitality staff having no say at all over when they work. Simple steps like introducing an app – that lets staff swap shifts between themselves, and offers a platform for managers to run staff feedback surveys – can make a big difference. 








Amelia Brand is the Editor for HRreview, and host of the HR in Review podcast series. With a Master’s degree in Legal and Political Theory, her particular interests within HR include employment law, DE&I, and wellbeing within the workplace. Prior to working with HRreview, Amelia was Sub-Editor of a magazine, and Editor of the Environmental Justice Project at University College London, writing and overseeing articles into UCL’s weekly newsletter. Her previous academic work has focused on philosophy, politics and law, with a special focus on how artificial intelligence will feature in the future.