Most jobseekers prefer new challenges and better progression from their roles, to a bigger salary.
Four hundred professionals from across the UK in full time employment told Gazprom Marketing and Trading’s (GM&T) survey that they did not equate a high wage packet to a fulfilling career.
However, when deciding between two or more jobs, salaries did become the deciding factor.
Service Delivery Manager at Sopra Steria Recruitment, Gemma Parks said: “The candidates we speak to are looking for fresh challenges, great company culture and forward momentum above all else.”
How loyal are British workers?
The results also showed that the majority of British workers stayed in a position for 2+ years (64%,) which suggests a significant amount of loyalty.
But, the research suggested that in order to retain talented individuals, the interview process needed to be more robust.
More than have (56%) of candidates stated they were invited straight to interview, while 50 percent said their interviews lasted less than an hour.
This “first contact” between employer and potential employee says the survey needs to give both parties a better idea of what the role will be like and also what the candidate will bring to the role.
Rachael Parrott, Resourcing Partner at GM&T, suggests holding unofficial ‘professional’ and ‘social’ interviews for all potential candidates. She said these should be dedicated to assessing aptitude and competencies, and a cultural fit.
Meanwhile, CEO of the Frank Recruitment Group, James Lloyd-Townshend, found the statistic surprising. He said: “As a technology recruiter, we often see candidates being asked to complete technical assessments before the interview, to help identify their competencies and shortcomings. We rarely see candidates invited to interview on the strength of their CV alone, especially in technical roles.”
How do people look for jobs?
Researchers asked respondents how they searched for new roles. More people opted to go directly to employer websites (57%) than job posting sites (54%). Somewhat surprising was the fact that only 12 percent worked directly with recruiters. Professional networks and social media also played significant roles, with 40 percent and 26 percent of job seekers using these respectively.
Rachael Parrott said: “The results also show how proactive job searchers are when seeking out new opportunities. Searching through employer websites, recruitment sites and social media shows an urgency on their part – something that many employers would surely like to see in a candidate.”
How important is company social media and branding?
Company reputation is an important factor to the participants, with 75 percent placing value in a company’s standing when searching for a job.
Employer branding and communications played a large part in this importance. The research found that in today’s digital-first market, employers need to ensure they capture the attention of potential candidates by how they present themselves to the outside world.
Gemma Parks said: “In order to source desirable skills in an increasingly competitive market, employers must consider how their brand is perceived in the wider market, before developing and promoting a compelling employer value proposition.”
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