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This major event from the Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion (enei) brings together leading thinkers and experts to explore the challenges of targets and quotas for Government & Employers.

We will set out the International and European context and learn from the Norway experience. Drawing on the latest research findings, we will hear views from Academia and learn from leading employers how they have met the challenges and more importantly, how they are holding individuals to account! Plus Networking opportunities and interactive Workshops.

This is a fantastic opportunity for employers to understand the issues and decide the best approach for their organisation.


  • Charlotte Hogg,COO, Bank of England
  • Rt Hon David Blunkett, MP
  • Professor Morten Huse, Reinhard-Mohn-Chair, University of Witten/Herdecke & BI Norwegian Business School
  • Helena Morrisey, CEO Newton, Founder 30% Club, Opportunity Now Chair
  • Maggie Stilwell, Partner, EY
  • Steps
  • Karen M Fortunato, Company Secretary & General Counsel, Santander UK plc
  • Baroness Glenys Thornton

Date :     Thursday, 13th March 2014
Time:     09.00-16.00
Venue:  Bank of England, Threadneedle Street,  London