A privacy watchdog has ruled the names and addresses of organisations involved in employment tribunals must be made public.
The new ruling saw the Information Commissioner’s Office order the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) to release the details.
In 2001 the government decided to stop the publishing of employers details involved in cases but the new decision means it will revert back to the system used since 1965.
However, information published could harm the reputation of companies who take part in an employment tribunal which goes in their favour, BERR argues.
The organisation also said it was not in the public interest to release the information and it would reduce the chance of resolving the disputes.
However, Graham Smith, the deputy information commissioner, said: "There is a very weak – if any – public interest in maintaining the exemption."
A recent report by Citizen’s Advice reveals more than 1,000 employees do not receive the money they are awarded in an employment tribunal.
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