Employers missing out by not communicating employee benefits

Just over a fifth of employers are communicating their employee benefits before the first day of employment, which is leading to businesses missing out on a “trick” as they prove a company cares for its staff.

This is the opinion of GRiD, who found that only 22 per cent of businesses inform potential staff of their employee benefits package.

GRiD said:

Companies are missing a trick by not promoting them more prominently to potential hires and new starters. This is particularly relevant during the popular job-search month of January and extremely pertinent given that, from April 2020, employers must give employees access to a written statement of various particulars of their employment on day one of employment or before. 

Just under a third (31 per cent) inform their staff of its employee benefits in a staff welcome pack. A fifth (25 per cent) in a staff handbook, 19 per cent on a staff noticeboard and 10 per cent via benefit platforms or apps.

Katharine Moxham, the spokesperson for GRiD, said:

Employee benefits demonstrate a company cares for its staff, wants to protect them and has taken the trouble to find ways to support them – plenty of reasons for wanting to work for a company. There’s little point in having them if staff don’t know they exist, and they’re certainly not working as hard as they could be for a company if they’re not being promoted as a reason to join.

GRiD makes the argument that investing in employee benefits can be costly in time and money but this will be wasted if your staff does not know about them.

They add different methods will resonate with different employees, therefore using a mixture of methods has a greater impact on staff.

In order to gather these results, Opinium on behalf of GRiD spoke to 500 HR decision makers in the UK.






Darius is the editor of HRreview. He has previously worked as a finance reporter for the Daily Express. He studied his journalism masters at Press Association Training and graduated from the University of York with a degree in History.