Online job board, Jobsite recently surveyed over 5,000 workers to find out how the Millennial generation’s attitude to the workplace differs from the generations before them, and what they look for from a role or company.

The research found that Millennials are clearly an ambitious generation, with 55 percent stating they have a career plan in place, and 94 percent saying their career path is a priority for them. After analysing the results, Jobsite has created its top five tips for attracting and retaining the best millennial talent:

1. Modern working practices

Legislation was brought into force last year giving the right to all employees with over 26 weeks service to request flexible working conditions, which is music to the ears of Millennials. This young generation is actively looking out for updated ways of working, and our research found that over a third (35%) of Millennials want a flexible working environment. If you can offer flexible working at your company, make this clear when you advertise the role.

2. Development is key

Almost all Millennial workers (94%) see their career path as a priority, and 38 percent cited lack of development as the biggest reason for changing jobs. Ensuring you offer a sturdy training and development programme is one of the best ways to retain your Millennial talent, and making it explicit on your website or other recruitment communications is key in attracting the right applicants. 32 percent stated they would choose one organisation over another based solely on their development scheme.

3. Introduce mentoring

The research found that twice as many Millennials compared to non-Millennials have mentors. Workplace guidance is clearly important to them, with 87 percent saying they have a good relationship with their manager.  Mentor programmes offer Millennials support on reaching their goals and planning their career, and can be beneficial to all employees with schemes such as reciprocal mentoring, which involves pairing senior staff with Millennials.

4. Rewards pay off

Whilst Millennials actively seek jobs with good training opportunities, renumeration will still play a significant part when considering career options. Over half of Millennials believe they are not paid well for the work they do. With half of all workers receiving a pay rise in the last 12 months, and 73 percent expecting one in the next twelve months, it’s worth setting out pay grades and potential prospects to appeal to Millennials.

5. Prove your worth

A third of all workers are looking for an organisation that holds values they share and respect, with 74 percent of stating that they admire the values of the company they work for. Clearly a selling point for Millennials, companies should be clear about what they stand for, and make sure its implemented in practice. Be sure to voice your values through your website and any recruitment communications.

Kevin Turner, Business Intelligence Developer at Jobsite said:

“The attitude of Millennial workers is very different to what people might expect. With 23 percent planning to work for as long as they physically can, they are looking for more and more from their employers. We want to equip businesses with the insight they need to adapt to the needs of Millennials, and not underestimate this important generation of workers.”

For more information on the Millennials research, visit the Jobsite blog here.





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Kevin is a Business Developer with ten years experience contracting for large corporations and Government. As Data and Reporting Manager at Jobsite, Kevin is responsible for supporting the online job board in all facets of data, information and insight.