Engaged employees make the perfect ambassadors for your organisation. They always give that little bit extra, and that little bit can make a huge difference for your organisation. How engaged are employees during the COVID-19 pandemic? And what can you do to keep your employees engaged and enthusiastic?

Effectory has developed a special set of questions for the current coronavirus crisis: Effectory COVID-19 Workforce Pulse. These questions will enable you to gage how your employees are doing and whether they are able to work productively. Axel Schiphof shares insights gleaned from the first 75 scans, as well as tips and tricks for keeping your employees engaged.

Why is engagement so important right now?

HR managers now have a crucial responsibility to discuss the importance of employee engagement. We obviously have no control over the current crisis, but we do have control over how we interact with our employees. And that’s important because your organisation will only be able to pull through this crisis if your employees are engaged.

How engaged are employees during the COVID-19 pandemic?

At the moment, many employees are experiencing a sense of togetherness: we are all in this together. Employees are glad that they still have their jobs and are doing everything they can to keep it that way. Teams are working better together and rules and procedures are on the back burner for the time being. On the other hand, it is important to remember that a lot has changed for your employees in a short period of time. This means that they are more easily distracted and work may be less of a priority right now. Employees also want more clarity. Organisations are showing understanding, but employees are not seeing this fully reflected in their workload.

The Effectory COVID-19 Workforce Pulse reveals that:

    • 75 per cent of employees are satisfied with the way that their organisation is handling the crisis.
    • 71 per cent of employees are confident in the future of the organisation (this figure was 76 per cent before the crisis).
    • 84 per cent of employees are able to work remotely (this means that many organisations are meeting the needs of their employees).
    • On the other hand, only 66 per cent of employees feel that they are able to do their jobs effectively from home.
    • And only 67 per cent of employees feel safe.


How do you keep employees engaged?

Stay in touch with your employees. Work with them to build the future of your organisation. Use these five tips to keep your employees engaged:

  • Adjust your mindset. Set long-term goals. And make sure that they are both clear and admirable. The way that your organisation treats people now will not be forgotten. Not only by your employees and potential employees but also by your customers.
  • Give your employees the tools they need to work from home efficiently and safely. These tools can make your employees 63 per cent more productive, 61 per cent better able to support customers and 52 per cent better able to collaborate.
  • Offer your employees perspective and a sense of purpose: What can you do now to ensure your organisation remains relevant? This will ensure 49 per cent more confidence in the future of your organisation and a 42 per cent higher eNPS — the likelihood that your employees will recommend your organisation to people that they know.
  • Invest in the development of your employees: What skills and capabilities will be relevant in the coming weeks or months? Offer training sessions and prevent more employees (25 per cent) leaving your company because they do not receive any training.
  • Strengthen the bonds between your employees, for example by setting up virtual lunches or virtual Friday evening drinks. Make sure to continue these events even as we begin to return to our offices in shifts.

How do you innovate during the COVID-19 pandemic?

To make sure your organisation survives this crisis, it is important to be innovative. Innovation in terms of your products and services, certainly; but even more important is an innovative approach to customer relations, engagement and employee satisfaction. If you provide the framework for innovation, 43 per cent of your employees will be keen to join you in that quest. And right now, that is more important than ever. The Effectory COVID-19 Workforce Pulse shows that the strongest organisations are those that get their employees involved. They already know that the only way we are going to get through this crisis is by working together.

Are you keen to find out more about employee engagement, crisis management, leadership and being a good employer? Each week, Effectory hosts a free webinar covering a topic that is relevant to the times we now live in. Find out more!

Axel is an employee engagement specialist at Effectory.