New best practice bright horizons

An employer’s guide to parental leave programmes fit for today’s world – download the free white paper below.

Welcoming a new baby or child through birth or adoption is a big event in family life. It is also a ‘moment that matters’ in the employee experience. Careers can be derailed if a new parent feels side-lined or unsupported before leave, or on return. Experienced, talented people may look elsewhere if they feel their company’s culture doesn’t ‘get’ it.

In the competition for talent, doing something to smooth people’s transition to parenthood and their ongoing worklife fit has become almost a hygiene factor, whether that’s offering parental leave coaching or a fully integrated programme with digital resources, management training and internal networks.

If your competitors are supporting this key life transition and your company isn’t, then your working parents may be heading off in their direction. Feedback shows that if you help expectant parents plan a well-managed handover, remain visible and influential with key stakeholders, feel well-prepared for return and helped to manage day-to-day life as a working parent, their confidence, wellbeing, focus and loyalty all increase.

In this guide Bright Horizons help you move forward by addressing the five key questions on employers’ minds when getting started with a parental leave programme.



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An employer’s guide to parental leave programmes fit for today’s world.

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