HR in the Public Sector is changing, priorities are being realigned, new skills are being sought and new ways of working are being introduced. As a HR practitioner in the public sector no one understands the changing public sector landscape better than you!
For this reason HRreview has launched its annual HRreview Public Sector Survey.
Your contribution will help everyone
This is your opportunity to give your perspective on the developments and priorities in Public Sector HR and to set the benchmark for the future. You’ll be asked to provide answers on behalf of your organisation as well as from your own perspective.
Your contribution will help us all keep up-to-date with emerging issues and trends and allow us to report back the key issues affecting your sector plus shape the discussion and focus of December’s HR in the Public Sector Forum 2010.
Spend a few minutes completing our new online survey, HRreview Public Sector Survey 2010 for a chance to win your free place or at least £100 off, click here.
Complete the survey and you will:
1)      Receive a free analysis of the results to benchmark your company and against other organizations
2)      Gain a £100 discount off Symposium Event’s HR in the Public Sector Forum 2010
3)      Be entered into the prize draw to win one of five free places to HR in the Public Sector Forum 2010 (winners to be announced in the HRreview Update on Friday 3rd September 2010)
To enter the survey and for a chance to win your free place or at least £100 off, click here.
Quick and simple to complete
The HRreview Public Sector Survey 2010 is easy to complete and will take approximately 5 minutes. The survey will close on Wednesday 1st September 2010.
Each survey will be analysed independently and all contact/company information is strictly confidential so you can complete the questionnaire honestly and securely.
To enter the survey and for a chance to win your free place or at least £100 off, click here.
Thank you in advance for your contribution. I am looking forward to seeing all your responses, and hopefully will meet you at the conference in November.
Good luck!
Please note: all individual answers will be treated in confidence and no comments made in the survey and used in the subsequent report, will be attributed to any individual or organisation. All questions are optional, and some may not be applicable to your organisation, but we hope that you will feel able to complete as many as possible.
As a thank you for taking part, all survey participants from public sector will receive a complimentary £100 +VAT reduction on bookings for the conference.
Five respondents, selected at random, will receive a complimentary place at “HR in the Public Sector 2010”, London, 25th November 2010 worth £489 + VAT.
Survey entries must be completed by 31st August 2010. Discounts not valid for suppliers
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