Over half of Britain’s young workforce are dissatisfied with their work and are hoping to find a new job this January.
According to the survey of 1,000 people in the UK, a third of all Brits admit to including job seeking amongst their New Year’s to-do list, demonstrating that it’s not only young people who are hoping to secure a new job this month.
The research found that job seekers are citing higher wages and career progression as the key drivers behind their desired career move.
When it comes to starting the search in January, aside from the obvious reason of starting afresh in the New Year, many a assume that there is more movement in the job market this month.
Almost a third of 16-24 year olds and 32 percent of Londoners said that they are looking in January because it seems like “the traditional time” for job change overs. In fact, 60 percent of young people believe there are more job openings in January compared to any other, and 40 percent of 16-35 year olds even think January is the easiest month to get a job. Job seekers not only think there are more jobs but also that it’s easier in January in general.
British determination is strong when it comes to the job hunt. 39 percent of job seekers say when job searching, that they won’t stop until they find the right role. This is true for 78 percent of lawyers, 68 percent of marketers and 50 percent of bank workers.
A much lower proportion – one in ten – say they would like a new job but think it would be too time consuming to find one.
Robert joined the HRreview editorial team in October 2015. After graduating from the University of Salford in 2009 with a BA in Politics, Robert has spent several years working in print and online journalism in Manchester and London. In the past he has been part of editorial teams at Flux Magazine, Mondo*Arc Magazine and The Marine Professional.
What makes you think it’s just the ‘young’ who are looking?
Those of us who are ‘more mature’ and been in post for a while with no possible career progression are also looking for alternative opportunities, unfortunately there seems to be a dearth outwith London and the SE. 🙁