Working fathers are failing to make use of the paternity benefits such as two weeks of leave which are now available to them, new research has found.
According to the report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), although many dads wish to take a more active role in bringing up their children, 45 per cent admitted to not taking the two weeks leave they are entitled to following the birth of their baby.
And in the majority of cases it was revealed this was because the men did not believe they could take time off, due to a combination of long hours and difficulties in managing their work and life balance.
Furthermore, just over a third claimed that if they took advantage of the flexible working benefits it could appear they are not committed to the job, while almost half felt it may mean they miss out on a promotion.
Andrea Murray, acting group director strategy at the EHRC, said: "This highlights an opportunity for British businesses to use flexible working as an incentive for attracting and retaining the most talented of employees."
A study by Morgan Redwood recently revealed that a healthy work/life balance can equate to higher earnings for a company.
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