CVs should be submitted anonymously to improve hiring under representation

CVs should be submitted anonymously to improve hiring under representation

CVs should be submitted to employers anonymously to ensure that more British Muslims are employed in top professions in the UK. Demos, one of Britain’s leading cross party thinktanks, made the recommendation in a new report ‘Rising to the Top’, which notes that only 16% of British Muslims are currently in senior roles, fewer people than any other religious group.

As well as recommending that the government legislate to ensure that all CVs are submitted anonymously, Demos also suggested that employers use ‘contextual recruitment’ when making hires in order to understand a candidates background better.

“Improvement in this area will be an important and necessary step forward for Britain, as our society will become stronger and more cohesive as we begin to tap into the economic potential of many more of our talented young people,” Louis Reynolds the author of the report commented.

In a statement the Muslim Council of Britain added: “We welcome this report and its attempt at facilitating British Muslims to have an equal chance to rise to the highest social and economic positions in the UK.”






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Robert joined the HRreview editorial team in October 2015. After graduating from the University of Salford in 2009 with a BA in Politics, Robert has spent several years working in print and online journalism in Manchester and London. In the past he has been part of editorial teams at Flux Magazine, Mondo*Arc Magazine and The Marine Professional.