In a climate where many businesses are cutting training expenditure, one company is urging organisations to use fresh approaches to nurture and develop leaders’ and managers’ skills as a critical success factor to bottom line profits in tough times.
To address this it has launched a range of challenging, practical and targeted communication programmes to help develop key skills including communication, leadership, training and presenting. Impact Factory’s Elite Communications Skills courses bring together like-minded leaders from across the world to build on these core areas; qualities leaders require to drive forward global enterprises.
Tony Loynes, CEO of Impact Factory explains, “Businesses far too often focus on trying to ‘fix’ senior management problems and do not place enough importance on the individual. Many are also not prioritising quality training programmes at a time when managers need to be leaders, friends, coaches and confidantes in their roles; making insightful and diagnostic training programmes even more important than ever.
“The senior executives we work with are already leaders in their field. They’ve done the courses, got the experience, had the mentoring and read the books: in other words, they’ve already done a huge amount to achieve their current status. But they are not yet the best they can be. Impact Factory stretches the understanding of what it means to be a leader and helps the individual to reach inside and grow further.
DuÅ¡an Chrenek, Head of the EC Representation in the Slovak Republic says, “I moved back to Slovakia to become Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Slovak Republic and communication is one of my biggest tasks. I found the skills developed with Impact Factory extremely useful and very beneficial in my role.”
Richard Jones, Acting Director for Wales, NCMA Cymru enthuses, “Having attended a few development sessions in my time, I found the delivery was refreshingly different and dealt with the topics in a very thought provoking and stimulating manner. As with many leaders, return on investment is paramount and not only did I receive this, but also gained invaluable knowledge. I now have far more confidence to ‘communicate with impact’.”
Kara Lawrence, Elevance Renewable Sciences Inc. concludes, “Management on an international scale not only requires a myriad of interpersonal skills, but the ability to localise the communication. Spending five days with other leaders from each continent provided me with the opportunity to truly understand the way in which we all work and enabled me to take my skills to the next level.”
Each Elite Communication Skills course is designed to deliver a fully rounded experience so every delegate can immerse themselves completely in the skills development.
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