The National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) has welcomed government moves to boost the number of places available on training schemes, claiming employers and participants will benefit as a result.
NAS marketing and communications director Josie Perry suggested that apprentices are likely to be better adjusted to the needs of companies because of their additional practical experience, as well as possibly having stronger relationships with firms.
“Apprenticeships will lead to employees who really understand what it is like to be in the workplace,” she explained. “They will know how to work with colleagues and understand the pressures that you get.”
Ms Perry added that businesses will also have the opportunity to train more people according to their individual requirements right at the outset of their working lives, while such initiatives could also provide a useful alternative to university.
Bosses looking for practical tips on hiring and getting the best out of new talent should consider attending the Graduate Recruitment and Development Forum 2011, which will take place in central London on February 1st.
Posted by Cameron Thomson
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