Celebrate LGBT History month with CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle, a fun guided cultural walk for mental and physical wellbeing, on Saturday 19th February, 12noon at Maudsley Hospital.

The walk starts at Maudsley Hospital and ends at The Cross Bones Graveyard SE1, in Redcross Way near London Bridge.
We end the walk with a talk on the history of the Cemetery and Southwark Geese, the Libertine of Southwark, and a finale with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

Discover famous historical and local LGBT residents of Southwark, explore LGBT social and political issues, the history of Southwark LGBT groups, pubs, clubs, Polari, dance and play!

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans History Month takes place every year in February. It celebrates the lives and achievements of the LGBT community, its diversity and that of the society as a whole, encouraging everyone to see diversity and cultural pluralism as the positive forces that they are.

Sashay into gay history with CoolTan Arts’ LGBT Largactyl Shuffle and find out 101 little-known facts about London’s most under-cover borough. All welcome!
Walkers meet at 12noon at the main entrance of Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AZ. Call CoolTan Arts on 0798 5658443 if you cannot find the group of walkers on the day.

5 Mile walk through the back streets of Southwark- allow 4 hours. Feel free to bring sandwiches and a bottle of water. The walk is free but a voluntary contribution will be appreciated, all money goes towards CoolTan Arts. Wear suitable footwear and dress up to dance!

Additional information:

The Largactyl Shuffle is named after the oldest anti-psychotic drug chlorpromazine sold as Largactil in Europe which has severe side effects.
CoolTan Arts exists to inspire the well-being and creative participation of a diverse range of people through the production of quality art.
Reg. Charity Nr. 1064231

Further information is available from: Kathrin Kirrmann, Communications Officer, CoolTan Arts, 020 7701 2696 kathrin@cooltanarts.org.uk