pad-logo-BLUETo mark Pension Awareness Day, we are asking you this week about how well you feel your organisation communicates information on pensions to their employees.

The aim of the day is to promote the importance of saving for the future and to alert the nation that it is not saving enough for retirement. The campaign also aims to encourage pension providers and employers to use more simple language and to look for more creative ways in how pension messaging is communicated.

Does your organisation regularly and effectively communicate news and advice on pension options for staff?

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badge-talentAs part of our focus on talent and leadership development this week, we want to know how you and your organisation approach developing and upskilling your talent.

Are you concerned that investment in talent development is a waste as employees will take their new skills to another organisation?

Are you concerned that investment in talent development is a waste as employees will take their new skills to another organisation?

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Last week’s poll

A new survey from the National Hug Your Boss Day organisation has found that 71 percent of European employees swear in front of their boss. Are you one of them?

Tell us what effects swearing has on your workplace culture in the comments.

Do you swear in front of your boss?

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