Recruitment is an exciting, fast paced and interactive career choice which offers attractive benefits and potentially substantial wages. It attracts some of the brightest graduates and produces some of the most talented experts in their field. As mentioned last month, it is therefore unsurprising that there has been a big increase in the number of recruitment businesses being established over the last couple of years. Following on from part one, here are a few more top tips to share with entrepreneurial recruiters looking to start up on their own.

Do your research
Setting up a recruitment business requires hard work, enthusiasm and a good deal of planning. Recruitment companies are used by a wide range of businesses, from small companies looking to increase the skill level of their workforce, to large companies seeking talented individuals to fill positions at all levels. It is therefore important to identify and research your target audience prior to moving forward with the business. When building your client portfolio, try to work with a variety of companies of differing sizes. This will make you appear more attractive to those candidates who are unsure about whether they would like to work in a big corporate environment or for a start-up business.

Time efficiency
Time is your most important resource and it is important to be disciplined and use it properly. Be effective with the hours you have – listing and prioritising tasks and setting yourself deadlines are necessary disciplines when running an efficient, and therefore successful, business. Identify a decent, cost effective workplace where you can concentrate and maximise your productivity. For start-up recruiters, this could be in a shared office space or at home, working remotely.

Keep your website simple
If you have already established a good network of contacts and your prior knowledge of the industry is very thorough, you will not need an overly complicated, ‘state-of-the-art’ website. The most important aspect to focus on is clarity. Your website must be well written and functional, with absolutely no errors or typos, and be well presented and very clear regarding the areas you work in. This will make it informative for both candidates and clients alike and make your business more attractive as a whole.

Invest for the future
In order to maximise your success, it is vital to ensure you get things right from the start. As a recruitment business start-up, you should be in a position whereby your overhead costs, such as office rental and utility bills, are low. It is important to invest your initial capital in the right areas. Use these funds to invest in a good business infrastructure. Creating a strong platform for the business will not only streamline any work you are doing in the present, but will also prepare your business for future growth.

 About Richard Prime


Richard Prime, joint CEO, Sonovate
After 15 years in contingent recruitment you might think that Richard would be looking for a change. You couldn’t be further from the truth-ish!
Richard is fuelled by his passion for the recruitment sector and a desire to enhance the role of the recruiter and manager: in other words, those that deliver the service. Richard believes the ‘best’ recruiters are inherently ambitious and will choose the best option to progress their careers. Because of this, he is confident Sonovate will appeal to the industry’s pre-eminent recruiters.