
Wellbeing is here to stay.

As busy HR execs you know it’s important. The business case is well cited and you are aware that some of your competitors are moving forward quicker than others. It’s something you’d like to spend more time on, but as ever divergent priorities pop up, and it’s a challenge to make it happen.

At Yoke we get where you are at.

In 2016 alone we’ve spoken personally to over 100 of you and held events on the topic with nearer 200. We’ve listened to your current realities, obstacles and most excitingly your desires for 2017.

And reassuringly we’ve found that you’re not alone in feeling a little overwhelmed about what to do next.

So in response to this and the fact that scarily there are only five months to go until Christmas (don’t worry no festive offers here!), we at Yoke would love to help you be ready before the New Year creeps up.

To do this we are launching a series of blogs and events, from August to December to position you well for 2017. The overall aim of the 5 part series is to help you figure out if you are a
wellbeing leader and not a laggard…and how to maintain or improve where you’re at.

The five themes include:
1. How can I commit to make wellbeing happen?
2. Figuring out where I really am today – a Wellbeing reality check
3. Being clear ont what it takes to really be a wellbeing leader
4. Overcoming your main obstacles for 2017 before you even get there
5. Making sure it’s not too late to see results

So let’s get started.

How can I commit to make wellbeing happen?

Step 1: Realise it’s a practice
Wellbeing is a practice. Many of us try to find a “sense of balance” all the time, everyday. When in fact we realise it’s a dynamic process that constantly evolves, opening up more space to experiment, we can learn to accept the ups and downs along the way.

Step 2: Figure it out together
The best way to stay committed to your practice at home or at work is to get support and learn together. There is so much great material out there; some of which can be overwhelming.

As a starting point why not join YOKE’S LINKED-IN COMMUNITY, where we share the best bits of the industry, from future research, articles and events, so you can digest and reflect in a safe and like minded space.

Step 3: Diarising the next step
Make sure we stay on track with wellbeing is often the hardest thing to do. Why not put a diary reminder for 10 minutes for our next @HRReview blog on 8th September, on:

“Figuring out where I really am with wellbeing today ~ the reality check”

Or even book on to our supporting Breakfast event with Maine Tucker on 13th September at 09.00. Simply email sine.Mbhele@themainegroup.co.uk

In the meantime stay well!


Rachel has over 15 years of Management Consultancy experience and an MSc in Organisational Wellbeing. She is the key driving force behind Yoke and so excited to be at the forefront of such an inspiring industry.