CareerBuilder launched a new Facebook application that is helping UK companies turn up the volume on their employee referral programmes and cut down on time and money spent on recruitment. CareerBuilder’s new Work@ application leverages a company’s most productive recruitment asset – its employees– and enables them to share open jobs at their company with personal and professional contacts within their Facebook network. Details can be found at

More than 29 million people in the UK are on Facebook, according to data from Inside Facebook Global Monitor 6.11. This fast-growing audience serves as a vast network of potential referrals for UK employers.

Work@ grabs open jobs housed on a company’s Web site or in its Applicant Tracking System. After employees add the Work@ application to their Facebook accounts, they can view available positions at their organisations and easily refer friends they think would be a good match.

“While many organisations have employee referral programs, employees are not always aware of available opportunities or know which friends would be the right fit for the job,” said Tony Roy, President of CareerBuilder EMEA. “Work@ harnesses the power of social media to create a faster, easier and more convenient way to refer friends. It’s intelligent job sharing with less effort and cost.”

Work@ provides robust analytics, through which companies can track and measure trends over time to gauge their program’s success. Employers can see which jobs are being shared with friends the most and which jobs are receiving the most referrals.